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Category Archives: Software

  1. Lowering The Barrier To Entry For Testing On Linux / Mono With Vagrant June 22, 2013

    Posted in Mono, Nancy, Vagrant, VirtualBox.

    rev="post-446" No comments
  2. Windows 8, Hyper-V, VirtualBox, Vagrant and Hanging on Boot June 19, 2013

    Posted in .Net, Misc, Nancy, Vagrant, VirtualBox.

    rev="post-425" 2 comments
  3. Debugging xUnit Tests Using MonoDevelop June 30, 2011

    Posted in .Net, CSharp, Nancy, Software, Uncategorized.

    rev="post-371" No comments
  4. Quick Add Reference Extension for Visual Studio 2010 October 13, 2010

    Posted in .Net, Misc, Software.

    rev="post-361" No comments
  5. Locating Network Services on the iPhone/iPad with MonoTouch March 27, 2010

    Posted in iPhone, MonoTouch, Software.

    rev="post-322" 4 comments
  6. Announcing: TinyMessenger March 22, 2010

    Posted in .Net, CSharp, Software, TinyIoC, TinyMessenger.

    rev="post-315" 4 comments
  7. Why is Add Reference Still Horribly Broken in VS2010? March 19, 2010

    Posted in Rambling, Software, Visual Studio.

    rev="post-306" 10 comments
  8. Automated “Unit” Testing – It’s Not Just for TDD, It’s for Bug Fixing Too! March 9, 2010

    Posted in .Net, CSharp, MonoTouch, Rambling, Software, TinyIoC.

    rev="post-293" 1 comment
  9. Announcing: TinyIoC – An Easy to Use, Hassle Free, Inversion of Control Container March 2, 2010

    Posted in .Net, CSharp, Software, TinyIoC.

    rev="post-288" 27 comments
  10. Moving a Repository from SVN to Mercurial With Full History March 1, 2010

    Posted in .Net, Mercurial, Software.

    rev="post-284" 3 comments
  11. Hotwire – A Remote Control Quick Launch Utility for LogMeIn December 27, 2009

    Posted in Hotwire, Software, WPF.

    rev="post-258" No comments
  12. Stack Overflow – Share Your Flair – Now in PNG! July 11, 2009

    Posted in Misc, Software.

    rev="post-210" 5 comments
  13. Sync Live Writer Local Drafts Across Multiple Machines with DropBox April 26, 2009

    Posted in Misc, Rambling, Software.

    rev="post-169" 8 comments
  14. Substitute โ€“ Variable Substitution Utility for Config Management (FinalBuilder etc.) March 16, 2009

    Posted in Substitute.

    rev="post-152" No comments
  15. Strange Problem – Unable to Connect to the ASP.Net WebServer on Localhost March 12, 2009

    Posted in ASP.Net, Visual Studio.

    rev="post-140" 18 comments
  16. WPF Bootstrapping, NotifyIcon, ShutdownMode and the Mysterious Vanishing Application! March 8, 2009

    Posted in Hotwire, WinForms, WPF.

    rev="post-132" 5 comments