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Locating Network Services on the iPhone/iPad with MonoTouch


For one of the little iPhone projects I’m working I need to communicate with with a server on the local network. That all sounds very simple, but what I *really* want to be able to do is detect all instances of this service on the local network, and give the user the option of which one to connect to at runtime.

In WCF land we could leverage WCF Discovery, but in the world of MonoTouch, and even in .NET 3.5, we don’t have that luxury, so it’s time to roll our own service discovery!

Ping! Pong!

To build our service discovery system we will be dropping down to the socket level; but don’t worry! We’re only using sockets to discover the services – after that you are free to use your normal HttpClient to actually access them 🙂

The basic idea is our client will send out a “ping” containing the IP and port to respond back on. Each server that picks up the ping will send a response back containing some metadata (in this instance a “service name” and a “service endpoint address”). The two classes we will use as “payload” are as follows:

/// <summary>
/// Our initial ping "payload" 
/// </summary>
public class ServiceClientInfo
    /// <summary>
    /// IP address of the client that sent the ping 
    /// </summary>
    public string IPAddress { get; private set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// UDP port to send a response to 
    /// </summary>
    public int Port { get; private set; }

    public ServiceClientInfo(string iPAddress, int port)
        IPAddress = iPAddress;
        Port = port;

/// <summary>
/// Server response "payload" - could be anything
/// </summary>
public class ServiceInfo
    /// <summary>
    /// Standard port servers listen on 
    /// </summary>
    public static readonly int UDPPort = 3512;

    /// <summary>
    /// Name of the service 
    /// </summary>
    public string ServiceName { get; private set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// Endpoint address 
    /// </summary>
    public string EndpointAddress { get; private set; }

    public ServiceInfo(string serviceName, string endpointAddress)
        ServiceName = serviceName;
        EndpointAddress = endpointAddress;

For our test app we will have a simple UITableView to display server responses, and a single button for sending our out ping. It looks a little something like this:


We will also verify that we have a working WiFi connection before we do anything. We do this using Miguel’s MonoTouch “reachability” sample code.

Step 1 – Firing the Ping from the iPhone

First things first, we need to fire off the initial ping from our phone by sending a UDP broadcast containing our “payload”. UDP is ideal for our application as it gives us a lightweight, connectionless transmission model which allows us to send a single message to every machine on the network using a broadcast. UDP is considered an “unreliable” protocol (i.e. it has no guarantees of delivery), but for our purposes that isn’t a problem. For more information on TCP/UDP and broadcasting you can take a look at the wikipedia pages: TCP, UDP, Broadcasting.

From a .NET code point of view this is pretty straightforward. We create an IPv4 UDP Socket, a UDP broadcast IPEndPoint, set some options and then use our Socket to send a serialised version of our “payload” to the network.

In this instance we are using the BinaryFormatter to serialise our payload (using a generic helper class in Helpers.cs), but you could serialise using any mechanism you like.

The code for this is as follows:

/// <summary>
/// Send our our server ping
/// </summary>
private void SendServerPing ()
    // Create a socket udp ipv4 socket
    using (Socket sock = new Socket (AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp)) {
        // Create our endpoint using the IP broadcast address and our port
        IPEndPoint endPoint = new IPEndPoint (IPAddress.Broadcast, Discovery.Core.ServiceInfo.UDPPort);
        // Serialize our ping "payload"
        byte[] data = Discovery.Core.Helpers.SerializeObject<ServiceClientInfo> (new ServiceClientInfo (GetCurrentIPAddress ().ToString (), 8762));
        // Tell our socket to reuse the address so we can send and
        // receive on the same port.
        sock.SetSocketOption (SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReuseAddress, true);
        // Tell the socket we want to broadcast - if we don't do this it
        // won't let us send.
        sock.SetSocketOption (SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.Broadcast, true);
        // Send the ping and close the socket.
        sock.SendTo (data, endPoint);
        sock.Close ();

Step 2 – Listening for Responses

Next up we need to listen for server responses. We actually start listening *before* we send the ping (to make sure we don’t miss anything), but it makes more sense to think of it as a second step.

There are two ways to listen to responses: synchronously, where we sit there and wait for a response to come back, or asynchronously, where we provide a callback method that will respond to data as it comes in. We obviously don’t want our UI to stop responding while we’re waiting, and we certainly don’t want the iPhone to kill our application for being unresponsive, so we will opt for the asynchronous model.

The steps for setting up a listener are, again, very simple. We first create an IPEndpoint, this time using the IP address and port we included in our initial ping, and create a UDPClient bound to it. Finally we call BeginReceive to tell the client we want to receive data asynchronously, providing our callback method, and start a timer to stop listening after 2 seconds. We pass in a simple “state” object to our callback, so it has access to our endpoint and client, but you could also store those as fields if you prefer.

While we are listening for responses we also disable our Ping button and re-enable it again, making sure to do so on the UI thread, once the timer has elapsed:

private void StartListeningForServerPingBacks ()
    // Disable our ping button
    PingButton.Enabled = false;
    // Listen on our IP addresses on our port
    // In a real scenario you'd probably want to make sure the port
    // was available and fallback to an alternative if not.
    var endPoint = new IPEndPoint (GetCurrentIPAddress(), 8762);
    // Make sure we don't grab exclusive "rights" to our address
    // so we can use the same port for send and receive.
    var udpClient = new UdpClient ();
    udpClient.Client.SetSocketOption (SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReuseAddress, true);
    udpClient.ExclusiveAddressUse = false;
    udpClient.Client.Bind (endPoint);
    // Setup our "state" object so the callback has access to the client and endpoint
    UdpState state = new UdpState (endPoint, udpClient);
    // Setup our async receive
    // Our callback will be called if and when data comes in
    udpClient.BeginReceive (new AsyncCallback (this.ReceiveServerPingCallback), state);
    // Setup a timeout timer.
    // When the timer elapses we enable our ping button again and
    // close our udpclient.
    var enableTimer = new Timer (2000);
    enableTimer.AutoReset = false;
    enableTimer.Elapsed += delegate(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) {
        InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { PingButton.Enabled = true; });
        udpClient.Close ();
    enableTimer.Enabled = true;

Step 3 – The Callback

Our callback method is rather simple (are you seeing a trend? :-)). We first grab the state object, call EndReceive to grab the data, deserialise it to our ServiceInfo object, add it to the UITableView, and then call BeginReceive again. That last part is the most important – every call to BeginReceive, which starts an asynchronous receive, must match a call to EndReceive, which ends the asynchronous receive. If we didn’t call BeginReceive at the end of our callback we would only ever get one server response – which obviously isn’t what we want!

As our timer may close the connection, and because we may get bad data sent to our listening port, we wrap the whole callback in a try/catch to make sure we don’t crash the app:

/// <summary>
/// Our callback that receives the pings back from the server(s)
/// </summary>
private void ReceiveServerPingCallback (IAsyncResult ar)
    try {
        // Grab the state object and split it up
        UdpState state = (UdpState)(ar.AsyncState);
        UdpClient client = state.client;
        IPEndPoint endPoint = state.endPoint;
        // Grab all the data we received
        Byte[] receiveBytes = client.EndReceive (ar, ref endPoint);
        // Deserialize it to our ServiceInfo object
        var data = Discovery.Core.Helpers.DeserializeObject<ServiceInfo> (receiveBytes);
        // Using the UI thread, update the server list
        InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { AddItemToList (String.Format ("Name: {0} Endpoint: {1}", data.ServiceName, data.EndpointAddress)); });
        // Start listening again
        client.BeginReceive (new AsyncCallback (this.ReceiveServerPingCallback), state);
    } catch (Exception) {
        // Just in case we have any network issues, or we've closed the socket, we catch everything.
        // Rather a horrible catch all than an app crash in this instance.

The Code

And that’s that. The full application source is available below. The solution contains the iPhone app, a WinForms “server” that you can run multiple times on your Mac/PC, and a shared library with the common data types in.

I’ve successfully tested this code with 10 servers, spread across multiple machines, without any issues but if your app needs responses from a large amount of servers then your mileage may vary 🙂

Posted in iPhone, MonoTouch, Software.

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Announcing: TinyMessenger


Just a small post to announce I have added, and finally documented, TinyMessenger to the TinyIoC project.

Tiny What-Now?

TinyMessenger provides an event aggregator/messenger for loosely coupled communication. Some scenarios where this may prove useful :

  • Communication between Controllers/ViewModels.
  • Service classes raising “events”.
  • Removing responsibilities from classes that receive external events (such as the AppDelegate in an iPhone application).
  • Decoupling communication between classes.

TinyMessenger uses a Publish/Subscribe model and is orderless, so you can subscribe to a message even if there’s nobody publishing, and you can publish one even if nobody is subscribed. It is also loosely coupled in that the publisher and subscriber know nothing of each other, all they both care about is the message itself. Some of the key features are:

  • Simple and orderless Publish/Subscribe API.
  • Messages either need to implement a simple “marker” interface, or they can build on the “base” classes that are in the box (TinyMessageBase and GenericTinyMessage<TContent>.
  • Subscriptions can supply an optional filter – only message that “pass” the filter are delivered.
  • Subscriptions can supply an optional “proxy”. A proxy can be used for marshalling to the ui thread, logging or many other purposes.
  • Subscriptions use weak references by default, but strong references can be specified if required.

TinyMessenger is part of the TinyIoC project, but it can be used completely independently – for more information take a look at the TinyMessenger Wiki page on the main TinyIoC site.

Posted in .Net, CSharp, Software, TinyIoC, TinyMessenger.

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Why is Add Reference Still Horribly Broken in VS2010?


We all know Add Reference is horribly broken in VS2008. We’ve all clicked it and had our hearts sink as we realised it was time to make a brew, grab lunch or take a weekend mini-break before even attempting to use Visual Studio again. Now VS2010 is in Release Candidate it’s obviously been fixed.. hasn’t it?!

Not All Change Is For the Better

The main issue with the VS2008 Add Reference dialog was that it took an age to load, mostly due to it enumerating all of the assemblies available to populate the .NET tab. If all  you wanted to do was add a project or file reference you still had to wait for it to finish building the .NET tab. Not good. In an attempt to fix the problem Microsoft has made two major changes to the dialog for VS2010:

  • The dialog now defaults to the Projects tab.
  • The .NET tab is now multi-threaded i.e. it loads types in the background.

The first of the two fixes is an excellent idea. If you want to use the Projects, Browse or Recent tabs then you don’t even need to look at that snail-paced .NET tab.

The second of the two fixes is horrible. Truly horrible. I’d even go as far as to say that if you actually want to use the .NET tab to add a reference then it’s actually *more broken than Visual Studio 2008*. Yes, I did say that. And I’ll say it again:

“If you actually want to use the .NET tab to add a reference then it’s actually more broken than Visual Studio 2008.”

To illustrate the point, lets say we want to add MEF, which sits in System.ComponentModel.Composition to our application, we’d probably do something similar to the following:

  1. Click Add Reference.
  2. Marvel at how quickly Add Reference Loaded.
  3. Click the .NET tab.
  4. Watch the first few items start to load up.
  5. Type “Sys” to jump down to System in the list.
  6. Go to select System.ComponentModel.Compo..oh no.. it’s moved.
  7. Scroll down, go to select Sys.. nope.. it’s moved again.
  8. Scroll down a bit more, click on.. nope, gone again.
  9. Swear.
  10. Wait until the thing has fully finished loading and then select what we want.

So what we have there is the same delay as it would have taken with VS2008, but with the added “fun” of playing a game of “chase the reference down the listbox” in a vain attempt to save yourself a few seconds.

Could It Be Done Better?

Now I’m no User Experience expert, or an Interface Designer with a fancy job title, but couldn’t this be improved immeasurably with a simple filter box?

Perhaps I work in a strange way, but I never start searching for a reference using the mouse – I *always* type the first few letters to skip to roughly where I want to go. If we had a simple filter box at the top of the dialog then the “chase the reference” game would be massively reduced, and probably eliminated all together if you’d typed in enough of the namespace name:


Now we could get super fancy and support CamelCaseSearching like the QuickNav dialog in CodeRush, but I’d be quite happy with a basic filter.

Maybe I’m just picky.

Posted in Rambling, Software, Visual Studio.

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Automated “Unit” Testing – It’s Not Just for TDD, It’s for Bug Fixing Too!

Disclaimer – What I’m discussing here isn’t unit testing (hence the quotes), it’s more functional or integration testing; but as the term “Unit Testing” is often “abused” to mean “anything that uses a (unit) testing framework” so I’ve included it in the title to avoid confusion.


I’m currently using TinyIoC in my first forays into MonoTouch development, and my initialisation code was throwing a resolution error on starup:

var container = TinyIoCContainer.Current();
var mainView = new MainView();
container.Register<IView, MainView>(mainView, "MainView");
container.Register<IView, SplashView>("SplashView").UsingConstructor(() => new SplashView());
container.Register<IStateManager, StateManager>();
// Code was blowing up here..
var stateManager = container.Resolve<IStateManager>();

The Exception that was given was that IStateManager could not be resolved, which was odd given that the StateManager was registered against IStateManager, and everything in its constructor was also registered:

public StateManager(IViewManager viewManager, Func<string, IView> viewFactory)

To The Debugger.. Right?!

So at this point your immediate reaction may be to fire up the debugger, trace into the code and start hacking around, debugging and hacking around some more until it works. Sure, that’s an approach, and one I’m sure we’ve all used in the past; but as I was pretty sure the issue was in TinyIoC itself I took a slightly different tack.

To The Test Runner!

With the approach above I would have to build and run my app every time I wanted to check if my “fix” had actually worked – and even if it had, how would I know it hadn’t broken something else? The solution is quite simple – recreate the conditions of the bug in a unit test, using stubs/mocks to replace your real classes, and make sure it fails in the same way:

public void Dependency_Hierarchy_With_Named_Factories_Resolves_All_Correctly()
    var container = UtilityMethods.GetContainer();
    var mainView = new MainView();
    container.Register<IView, MainView>(mainView, "MainView");
    container.Register<IView, SplashView>("SplashView").UsingConstructor(() => new SplashView());
    container.Register<IStateManager, StateManager>();
    var stateManager = container.Resolve<IStateManager>();

    Assert.IsInstanceOfType(mainView.LoadedView, typeof(SplashView));

I’ve added an Assert to show what behaviour I think it *should* have. It’s a pretty horrible looking test, but it accurately represents what my failing code was doing, and the test fails as I expected it to. Now I can attach the debugger and find out what’s going on, safe in the knowledge I have a fast executing test available to verify my fix, and the rest of my test suite there to ensure I haven’t broken anything else.

After a very brief investigation it turned out that there was a bug in registration when *just* an Interface type was registered with an concrete instance (the IViewManager registration above). The “InstanceFactory” it was using hadn’t set the “AssumeResolves” flag, so TinyIoC was actually trying to find a valid constructor for IViewManager – which obviously wasn’t going to succeed. It’s a scenario I probably should have factored into my Unit Tests, but hey, nobody is perfect 🙂


This post is aimed at covering two points:

  1. Test aren’t just for TDD. If you find a bug, isolate it with a test and you have a quick and easy way to verify a fix, and verify you haven’t broken anything else.
  2. Code Coverage isn’t everything. Apart from a few “defensive coding” null checks, the core of TinyIoC has pretty much 100% code coverage with its tests, but it didn’t help me with this issue. Although the code path was covered, the exact input (Interface type, concrete instance) wasn’t in my unit tests, so don’t assume 100% code coverage means 0 bugs in the code, there may well be a scenario you missed!

Posted in .Net, CSharp, MonoTouch, Rambling, Software, TinyIoC.

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Announcing: TinyIoC – An Easy to Use, Hassle Free, Inversion of Control Container


Whenever I start a new “pet” project I usually *want* to use IoC, but I don’t really want the hassle of taking a dependency on a container, or adding another binary to my project. Usually this leaves me using “poor man’s IoC”, whereby I define dependencies in my constructors, but I pass them in manually or construct them using constructor chaining.

I’ve thought for some time that it would be useful to put together a container that fits the bill for that scenario, but also attempts to “lower the barrier of entry” for developers that are new to IoC, and may be scared off by the “big boys”. A couple of weeks ago @DotNetWill posted his simplified container, and that gave me the kick up the backside I needed to create my own 🙂

Introducing TinyIoC

Now you might ask “do we really need *another* IoC container?” – and it’s a reasonable question. We already have Unity, Ninject, StructureMap, AutoFac.. the list goes on. TinyIoC makes no attempt to go “head to head” with any of these other containers, instead TinyIoC has been designed to fulfil a single key requirement:

To lower the “level of entry” for using an IoC container; both for small projects, and developers who are new to IoC.

To that end, TinyIoC attempts to stick the following core principals:

  • Simplified Inclusion. No assembly to reference, no binary to worry about, just a single cs file you can include in your project and you’re good to go. It also works on Mono, and on MonoTouch for the iPhone / iPad.
  • Simplified Setup. With auto-resolving of concrete types and an “auto registration” option for interfaces, setup is a piece of cake. It can be reduced to 0 lines for concrete types, or 1 line if you have any interface dependencies.
  • Simple, “Fluent” API. Just because it’s Tiny, doesn’t mean it has no features. A simple “fluent” API gives you access to the more advanced features, like specifying singleton/multi-instance, strong or weak references or forcing a particular constructor.

The following snippet gives an example of the simplified setup:

// TinyIoC provides a lazyily constructed singleton
// version of itself if you want to use it.
var container = TinyIoCContainer.Current;

// By default we can resolve concrete types without
// registration
var instance = container.Resolve<MyConcreteType>();

// We can automatically register all concrete types
// and interfaces with a single call.
var implementation = container.Resolve<IMyInterface>();

So Where Now?

If you want to grab the source, read the tests, or take a look at some more complex examples of the API, wander on over to the homepage on bitbucket. I’m happy to take comments and suggestions – just grab me on Twitter or ping me an email from the contact form.

Over the next few weeks I will be posting a series of “beginners” articles on the hows and whys of IoC. I will be using TinyIoC specifically, but the majority of concepts and content can equally apply to other containers. I may even do a “File, New” screencast to show how “un-scary” this stuff is, and how it doesn’t really add any extra development effort,

Posted in .Net, CSharp, Software, TinyIoC.

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