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Moving a Repository from SVN to Mercurial With Full History


Let me start with a disclaimer. I’ve only been using Mercurial for 2 days so my nomenclature may be completely wide of the mark. Hopefully this post will help other hgnewbies with what is probably a common requirement.


I keep all of my pet projects in my own Subversion repository but I’ve recently decided to give this distributed version control shenanigans a whirl. I ummed and arred about Git or Mercurial, but in the end I plumped for Mercurial, with a bitbucket account, as it seems to have more ubiquitous support. I’m about to release a project I’ve been working on for the last week or so and thought it would be nice to release it via bitbucket – complete with the version history I’d build up in Subversion.

Turns out, it’s really rather easy!

I’m Converted!

I’m assuming at this point you have the commandline version of Mercurial (hg) installed and working. If you don’t then you should probably go and do that first 🙂 I’ve also assumed you’ve already created a mercurial repository (bitbucket or elsewhere) called “myproject”.

In my scenario I was converting a single project with no trunk, branch or tag directories. The convert command is capable of handling much more advanced scenarios – take a look at the documentation for more infomation.

First things first you need to edit your Mercurial settings (.hgrc for *nix, Mercurial.ini in your user dir for Windows) and add the following lines:


This will add the “convert” command extension to our client. Next up we clone our repository and use the new convert command to add the SVN changesets into it:

hg clone

hg convert myproject

The convert command will now start counting down the revisions and adding each one to our local hg repository. This may well take some time 🙂

Potential gotcha: it appears that the convert extension doesn’t work properly with Subversion repositories over http that require authentication. If you get multiple “http authorization required” messages and prompts for your username/password then you have a problem. The only solution I found was to temporarily disable authentication while I did the conversion 🙁

Once the conversion had finished we push our changes back:

cd myproject

hg push

Now at this point for me the push worked fine but my local repository had no files in it – despite insisting it was up to date. This may be my lack of knowledge on Mercurial, or it might be a bug, but deleting the myproject directory locally and cloning the remote repo again sorted things out.


All in all a pretty trivial task, albeit one that takes a while with a large repository. The only big issue is the authentication one I mention above – this may well be a showstopper for you if you can’t control the ACL on your Subversion repository.

Posted in .Net, Mercurial, Software.

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So What Is This “Thread Safe” Thing Anyway?


Following on from my previous post about a “Thread Safe” Dictionary, and the subsequent comment from Rajeesh, made me think that perhaps a general post on “thread safety” was in order.

Stop With the Quotes Already!

The astute amongst you may notice I always try and put the phrase “thread safe” in quotes; and there is a good reason for that! “Thread safe” is a pretty horrible term (although I can’t think of a better one) that doesn’t really give enough detail for what exactly we mean when we express that a class is “thread safe”. As far as I’m concerned, my “library” classes are thread safe if:

“All public static and instance methods and properties on the class are safe to be called concurrently from multiple threads.”

What this certainly does *not* mean is:

“You do not have to consider thread safety or concurrency issues in your own code that uses this class.”

So in the instance of our dictionary if you get/set a value and then in subsequent lines of code you *assume that the value you got or set hasn’t changed* then you have a concurrency issue in *your* code and you will *need to address it, likely using the same synchronisation primitives we used internally in our SafeDictionary class.*

Some Examples

As an example we can take similar code to the snippet that Rajeesh posted:

// Check the item exists and process
// if it does
if (mySafeDictionary["Testing"] != null)
    // Process element

Although each of those calls to the SafeDictionary are themselves threadsafe, we are making an assumption in *our code* that those value won’t change between the “if” statement and our call to ProcessElement. This particular scenario is one reason why we should always try to use TryGetValue, rather than the “if it exists do this with it” approach above. To this end we should probably alter our SafeDictionary to explicitly deny gets:

public class SafeDictionary<TKey, TValue>
    private readonly object _Padlock = new object();
    private readonly Dictionary<TKey, TValue> _Dictionary = new Dictionary<TKey, TValue>();

    public TValue this[TKey key]
            lock (_Padlock)
                _Dictionary[key] = value;

    public bool TryGetValue(TKey key, out TValue value)
        lock (_Padlock)
            return _Dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out value);

If you now try and access a member using the array syntax, rather than through TryGetValue you will get a compile time error like:

The property or indexer ‘Variabler.this[string]’ cannot be used in this context because it lacks the get accessor.

From that simple example you may think that TryGetValue solves all our problems; but unfortunately it still isn’t able to save your from yourself! To reiterate what I said earlier, you need to consider concurrency yourself if you *assume that the value you got or set hasn’t changed*. Assuming we expand our SafeDictionary to include all of the options that the normal Dictionary supports, take the following horribly contrived example:

public List<String> GetKeysToProcess()
    object myObject;
    List<String> keysToProcess = new List<String>();

    // Check to see if the type is valid for
    // processing
    foreach (var currentKey in myDictionary.Keys)
        if (myDictionary.TryGetValue(currentKey, out myObject))
            if (myObject.GetType() == typeof(ProcessorClass))

    return keysToProcess;

Now there’s a chance that a key might have been removed between the start of the foreach and us actually using it; but as we use TryGetValue that doesn’t matter – the value just won’t resolve. The key here (pardon the pun) is that we are building and returning a list that *makes assumptions about the contents of the dictionary*. Even if in our consuming code we stick to TryGetValue to handle items being deleted, there’s nothing in this example preventing another thread changing any of the items to be a different type – effectively rendering our List of “Keys to process” completely invalid.


The examples above are very contrived, and I’d hope nobody would ever write those exact pieces of code; but hopefully it illustrates the point that *just because you are working with a “Thread safe” object doesn’t mean you can ignore thread safety concerns in your own code*.

Posted in .Net, CSharp.

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“Thread safe” Dictionary(TKey,TValue)

Update : Based on a comment on this post I’ve added a follow up post that covers the question: What is This “Thread Safe” Thing Anyway?


A pet project I’m currently working on requires the use of an internal Dictionary to store “registered” data, which is a pretty common requirement. For this particular project I’d like to at least *attempt* to make it “thread safe” on .NET 3.5, with an eye to moving it to the ConcurrentDictionary in .NET 4 which promises not only thread safety, but more granular locking to increase multi-threaded performance.

A simple enough task, but one that I’ve seen many people make mistakes implementing.

Just Locking Writes?

It’s obvious we need to do some kind of syncronisation primitive around our writes, but first impressions might make you think that read should be ok – especially if we stick to the preferred TryGetValue pattern instead of “if it exists then get the value”:

object myValue;

// This is obviously not thread safe.
// Something else can alter the collection
// between ContainsKey and reading the
// value.
if (dictionary.ContainsKey("Testing"))
{     myValue = dictionary["Testing"];

// Using TryGetValue looks safe though?
// Doesn't it?!
if (!dictionary.TryGetValue("Testing", out myValue))     throw new KeyNotFoundException();

Unfortunately if we fire up Reflector, and take a look at how TryGetValue is implemented, it’s pretty obvious it has exactly the same concurrency problem as the first method above:

public bool TryGetValue(TKey key, out TValue value)
    int index = this.FindEntry(key);
    if (index >= 0)
        value = this.entries[index].value;
        return true;
    value = default(TValue);
    return false;

Ok, So I Will Lock Reads and Writes?

The next obvious approach would be to find everywhere in our code where we access the Dictionary, for either reading or writing, and use a syncronisation primitive, such as lock, to ensure we’re only accessing it from a single thread at any one time:

private readonly object padlock = new object();
private readonly Dictionary<string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();

private void Test()
    object myValue;

    // Now we lock before we do anything
    lock (padlock)
        if (dictionary.ContainsKey("Testing"))
            myValue = dictionary["Testing"];

    lock (padlock)
        if (!dictionary.TryGetValue("Testing", out myValue))
            throw new KeyNotFoundException();

Simple enough, but you’re relying on locking around every access, which is not only ugly, but also potentially prone to errors if you miss one. Also, once we move our code to .NET 4, and the new ConcurrentDictionary, we will have to go through the code and remove each lock in turn – pretty laborious!

Composition, Composition, Composition!

In this approach we wrap our nasty non-thread safe dictionary in our own class, expose the methods we want to use, and take any locks accordingly. This class only implements “array” access and TryGetValue, but is sufficient to show the approach:

public class SafeDictionary<TKey, TValue>
    private readonly object _Padlock = new object();
    private readonly Dictionary<TKey, TValue> _Dictionary = new Dictionary<TKey, TValue>();

    public TValue this[TKey key]
            lock (_Padlock)
                return _Dictionary[key];
            lock (_Padlock)
                _Dictionary[key] = value;

    public bool TryGetValue(TKey key, out TValue value)
        lock (_Padlock)
            return _Dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out value);

As we prevent any direct access to the Dictionary, and use our lock internally whenever we need to access it, we can now use our SafeDictionary in code without worrying about concurrency issues – both for reading and for writing!

To .Net 4 ?

As I mentioned earlier .Net 4 will be shipping with several “thread safe” collections, including a dictionary, in the new System.Collections.Concurrent namespace. As we have our own SafeDictionary implementation we have a few options here:

  • We could go through our code and replace all references to SafeDictionary with ConcurrentDictionary. We don’t have any locks in our main code so we could do this with a direct replacement.
  • We could alter our SafeDictionary to use a ConcurrentDictionary internally, and remove all of our internal locks.
  • If we don’t mind exposing extra methods we can remove all of the implementation from SafeDictionary and just derive it from ConcurrentDictionary:
public class SafeDictionary<Tkey, TValue> : ConcurrentDictionary<Tkey, TValue>


Quite a long blog post for quite a simple issue, but even simple concurrency can be the source of mistakes and headaches. Once .NET 4 arrives with its concurrent collections, parallel extensions and parallel debugging options hopefully at least *some* of this headache will go away.

Posted in .Net, CSharp.

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Hotwire – A Remote Control Quick Launch Utility for LogMeIn



Hotwire is a project I started some time ago but never completed. It was designed to be a “quick launch” utility for remote controlling machines using the excellent LogMeIn service. While the better half was “enjoying” the Boxing Day sales I took it upon myself to finish the project. And by finish, I obviously mean a complete rewrite 🙂

What does it do?

I’ve used LogMeIn for quite a while now, and it’s an excellent service, but 99% of the time I just want to get straight to the desktop of the machine I’m connecting to and Hotwire is designed to let me do just that.

The application itself is written using WPF and consists of two parts; the launcher, which sits in the task tray, and the main application. The launcher provides machine configuration and quick launch options for connecting to remote machines. The main application is just a single window (containing a WPF WebBrowser control) that connects to LogMeIn and does some jiggery pokery to get you directly to your machine desktop.

More Information

The project is up on Google Code at – I normally prefer to use CodePlex, but the Hotwire name was already taken 🙁 The Google code site contains a downloadable installer, and the source code should anyone be interested.




Posted in Hotwire, Software, WPF.

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WPF RichTextBox Subscript and Superscript Without Font Restrictions


One of the most bizarre limitation of the WPF RichTextBox is its hit and miss support for subscript and superscript in text. Although you can set the style quite easily using appropriate command, in order for this property to actually alter the appearance of the text the font needs to be OpenType, and come with a Subscript/Superscript variant, which the vast majority of fonts do not. Obviously in a control that’s designed for user input, restricting what fonts can be used in this way is far from ideal.

An Alternative Approach

Having spent some time poking around inside RichTextBox I would strongly recommend that you don’t. Seriously. The code may well make you physically sick. In the past I have tried to use TextRange.ApplyPropertyValue, which takes a normal DependencyProperty, to attach my own property to a piece of text. You’d imagine this would be pretty straightforward, especially as attaching properties to other types is a fairly fundamental part of WPF, but unfortunately there’s a particularly lovely piece of code that checks to see if the DependencyProperty is on a predefined “allowed” list, and thows an exception if it isn’t. While this chunk of code scuppered my ideas in the past, it did provide a useful place to look for an alternative way to create Subscript and Superscript text.

One of the properties that we are “allowed” to apply to text is Inline.BaselineAlignmentProperty which takes its values from the BaselineAlignment enumeration which includes the following values:

  • Top
    A baseline that is aligned to the upper edge of the containing box.
  • Center
    A baseline that is aligned to the center of the containing box.
  • Bottom
    A baseline that is aligned at the lower edge of the containing box.
  • Baseline
    A baseline that is aligned at the actual baseline of the containing box.
  • TextTop
    A baseline that is aligned at the upper edge of the text baseline.
  • TextBottom
    A baseline that is aligned at the lower edge of the text baseline.
  • Subscript
    A baseline that is aligned at the subscript position of the containing box.
  • Superscript
    A baseline that is aligned at the superscript position of the containing box.

Subscript and Superscript look exactly like what we want, and amazingly, they actually work 🙂 To demonstrate the technique I’ve created two simple extension methods that toggle either Sub or Superscript on the selected text:

/// <summary>
/// Toggle Superscript for the currently selected text in a RichTextBox. Does not require the font to be OpenType or have a Superscript font style.
/// Doesn't attempt to change/restore the size of the font, just moves the baseline.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="richTextBox">RichTextBox with selected text</param>
public static void ToggleSelectionSuperscript(this RichTextBox richTextBox)
    var currentAlignment = richTextBox.Selection.GetPropertyValue(Inline.BaselineAlignmentProperty);

    BaselineAlignment newAlignment = ((BaselineAlignment)currentAlignment == BaselineAlignment.Superscript) ? BaselineAlignment.Baseline : BaselineAlignment.Superscript;
    richTextBox.Selection.ApplyPropertyValue(Inline.BaselineAlignmentProperty, newAlignment);

The code checks the current value of the BaselineAlignmentProperty and toggles the value as appropriate. I’ve made no attempt to adjust font size, or do anything clever, so it does look a little goofy, but it proves the concept. The demo application also includes the XAML content of the RichTextBox document so you can see exactly what content it’s producing:


And that’s that, hope it helps someone out 🙂 You can grab the sample demo from the link below:

Posted in WPF.

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